February 2022

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana/Shavasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana-Shavasana1)Sleeping in the final pose should be avoided. Do not lose hold of consciousness at any stage.2)Mind may get entangled in thoughts or emotions while maintaining the final pose. Do not get perturbed, slowly take the mind to Prandharana.3)Suddenly coming out of the asana should be avoided. Come out …

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Probable Mistakes, Correction, and Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka

Probable Mistakes, Correction, and Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka1)Do not keep the Kumbhaka with force. Release it when the need to breathe out is felt.2)When the chin lock is released, the air may gush out. Resist this tendency and breathe out slowly and comfortably by controlling the contraction of the chest. Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka1)Expands the …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Datta Mudra

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Datta Mudra1)Do not turn the head up or down while turning to the sides.2)While bending the head back do not turn it to either side.3)Keep the breathing normal. Benefits of Datta Mudra1)Makes the muscles of the neck firm and flexible.2)Improves the health of the neck.3)Stimulates the carotid bodies, vegas …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Hasta Parshwasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Hasta Parshwasana1)Do not turn the interlocked palms with jerks. If turning of palms is not easily possible, raise the interlocked palms up without turning them.2)Do not hold your breath. Benefits of Hasta Parshwasana1)Expands the chest.2)Relieves the tension of the shoulder joint and the neck.3)Improves breathing capacity.4)Stretches the throat muscles. …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Ushtrasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Ushtrasana1)There is a tendency to hold your breath while bending back. Avoid it.2)Get up very slowly and with control while releasing the pose. Benefits of Sulabha Ushtrasana1)Gives a fine backward bend to the spine and the back.2)Makes the thigh muscles and the abdominal muscles elastic.2)Removes the congestion in …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Makarasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Makarasana1)Improper resting of the forehead on the forearm. Position the hands suitably.2)Heels not touching the floor. For this, take a maximum possible distance between the legs and relax them so that heels automatically reach down to the floor. Benefits of Sulabha Makarasana1)Gives a mild bend at the back.2)Create …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Vakrasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Vakrasana1)The tendency to use force at any stage while attaining and maintaining the asana should be avoided.2)The tendency to hold your breath is to be avoided.3)Bending backward or forward while twisting the abdominal and waist region should be avoided. Keep the back straight in a comfortably erect position. …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Uttana Vakrasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Uttana Vakrasana1)The tendency to use force at any stage should be avoided. Benefits of Uttana Vakrasana1)Mild and proper twist for the spinal column.2)Gives a proper twist to the upper extremities.3)Relives the tiredness of the upper extremities, particularly of the spine.4)Functions of the organs situated in the abdomen are improved.Take …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Setubhandhasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Setubhandhasana.1)Do not press your hands on the floor. Raise the trunk up to the strength of the muscles at the back.2)Do not hold your breath. Benefits of Sulabha Setubhandhasana1)Relives the functional pain in the lumbar region.2)Makes the muscles of the lumbar region firm.3)Improves the tone of the abdominal …

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