April 2022

Benefits of Mango

Benefits of Mango1)Lots of Protein, carbohydrates, and sharkara are available in Mango.2)Regulates Blood Pressure3)Improves Digestion4)Help fight Heat Stroke5)Boost the Immune System6)Alkalizes the whole body7)Improves Eye health8)Clears the skin9)Lowers cholesterol10)Improves bone HealthTake care.

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Bhushirasana ‘A’

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Bhushirasana ‘A’1)Raised hands should not be bent at the elbows unless the elbows are stiff.2)Tendency of the upper body to lean forward should be avoided.3)Do not exert undue pressure on one palm against the other.4)Do not let the raised hands go away (either going behind or going forward) from …

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Bhushirasana ‘A’ Read More »