Todays we will discuss top 7 Best Doctors in our Life.

1)Rest – As you know due to over workload most of the people not taking proper rest. so for your better health proper rest is mandatory.

2)Water – Water plays very important role in our life. Take proper intake of water on a daily basis so that we will not face any proplem related to water like kidney stone,

3)Nature – We always follow rule of nature regarding wake up in the morning in proper time, breakfast,lunch and dinner timings. Also follow sleeping timing.

4)Fasting – Our pranik shakti having two role that is digestion and healing. When we are in fasting that energy get proper time for healing. so fasting is very important.

5)Exercise – Health is Wealth so if you want to keep you healthy then you have to exercise on daily basis.

6)Meditation – As per current lifesyle people are too much disturb and take tension so for peace of mind every person should practice Meditation.

7)Healthy Food – Instead of fast food always prefer Healthy Food for your routine life.