Benefits of Fasting

Benefits of Fasting
1)Fasting is Natural Nutrition Therapy
2)Promotes Detoxification- Break down fat reserve mobilizes and eliminates stored toxins.
3)Helps overcome bad habits such as tobacco, caffeine, and other stimulating chemicals/addictions.
4)Corrects Blood pressure/hypertension without drugs.
5)Resolution of Inflammatory process Example: Rheumatoid arthritis.
6)Maintenance break for the digestive system and post fasting digestion and elimination system invigorated.
7)Tastebuds rejuvenated.
8)Responds to back and neck pain.
9)Improves quality and intensifies the depth of sleep.
10)May protect the brain against Alzheimer’s and Perkinson’s.
11)Enhance mental acuity.
12)Stimulate the production of new neurons.
13)Improves colitis of irritable bowel syndrome.