1)Maintain the elasticity of the spine by bending the spine very
smoothly and comfortably to all sides to your capacity. Twist it,
compress it and stretch it every day by suitable yogic practices to
keep it fit. Use it judiciously to the maximum and avoid Disuse
2)Do not lift heavy things more than your capacity, bending at the
trunk. As far as possible bend at the knees when required.
3)Do not sit on an easy chair for long periods with a forward bend at
the trunk and neck.

4)At home avoids table work or drawing work or kitchen work with the
head bending down for a long period. If you get an awkward feeling
or strain at the neck, stop the work, rest for a while lying on the floor
without resting the head on a pillow, then start such work again. In
the office, occasionally have a backward bend at the neck for a
while, relaxing the head, shoulder, and back with the support of the
back-rest of the chair.

5)Do not read lying in the supine position supporting your head on a
high pillow.
6)Do not sleep on soft foam rubber or felt mattress/bed or spring
cot by which your spine will be bent forward or remains in an
awkward position for a long period.
7)Assume the upright position during sitting, standing, and working
so that the spine is kept in a natural straight position. Make this
habit your second nature.
8)Always keep your weight at a normal level and the belly in a healthy
shape. Activate the abdomen to maintain the muscle tone of the
abdominal wall muscle.
9)Do not carry a heavy bag in one hand all the time. Make alternate
use of both hands.

  1. Be aware of the health of your spine. Do not neglect the signals given
    by it.
  2. Our spine is a magic gift of nature. It works like a tunnel but differs
    in functioning. Generally, the train when travelling through the
    tunnel, moves but the tunnel is stationary. However, the physical
    train, i.e., the nerves work while the tunnel, i.e., the spine also moves,
    thus preserving its magic.
  3. Use your spine properly. Avoid disuse, misuse and overuse.
  4. Health, in general, and backache and neckache, in particular, depend
    mainly on five factors – heredity, environment, nourishment (3HTER),
    physical and mental activities (faer) and rest (Falst). Any imbalance
    between them leads to ill-health. While the heredity factor is least
    changeable, one can do only a little about environment. However, one
    has to suitably change one’s life-style in respect of the other three
    factor viz., nourishment, activities and rest, to suit the environmental factors.

  1. Yogic therapeutic practices recommended for slipped discs, sciatica,
    lumbago and spondylosis have been described in detail at the end of
    the book. Some practices which are useful as preventive measures are
    also included therein.