Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Naukasana
Probable Mistakes

1)Holding the breath, frowning, and jerky movements.
2)In the anxiety to raise the legs higher, the toes are stretched outward excessively.

1)Consciously avoid these tendencies to hold breath.
2)As in Shalabhasana if the toes are stretched outward excessively, you may get a catch in the calf muscles. Hence, while raising the legs, take care not to stretch the portion between knees and toes unduly.

Benefits of Naukasana
1)This Asana can be used as a leading practice for Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana or as a substitute for them.
2)In this Asana, the entire weight of the body rests on the abdomen. Therefore, this Asana helps reduce the fat deposited in this region. Also, the health of the abdominal region improves. It can also be of immense use for the treatment of indigestion, gas trouble, and constipation.
3)The greatest benefit of this Asana is that the muscles of the waist, back, and neck are strengthened as they are contracted in this Asana. It is a useful preventive against aches in the back, waist, or hips. Proper practice of this Asana can treat such troubles well.
4)Improves the health and strength of the spinal column.