Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Supta Vajarasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Supta Vajarasana
Probable Mistakes

1)Raising knees in the final stage.
2)Tendency to hold your breath.

1)This indicates that knee joints and ankle joints have not yet become flexible enough to bear the stretch and pressure. Hence, you should keep some distance between the knees so that they rest on the ground comfortably.
2)Consciously avoid this. Let the breathing continue naturally.

Benefits of Supta vajarasana
1)Muscles in the abdominal region, especially the recti muscles. are stretched in this Asana. As a result, the abdominal wall becomes flexible. This stretch also influences the important organs located in the abdominal cavity, eg the stomach, small and large intestines, liver, spleen, gall bladder, etc. The unnecessary accumulation of blood around these organs is drained, and consequently, their functioning is improved. The fat deposited in the abdominal region is removed.
2)This Asana can be used along with other Yogic practices for therapeutic purposes for treating indigestion, constipation, gas trouble, acidity, heaviness of the stomach, etc.
3)The knee joint and ankle joint are stretched a great deal, Consequently, blood circulation in these joints improves, making them more flexible and efficient. This Asana is very useful as a preventive for problems such as stiffness of the knees, arthritis, etc. which affect persons of middle and advanced age.
Take care