Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana.
Probable Mistakes

1)Holding the breath in the final stage is a very common mistake.
2)Head rubbing against the floor in the final stage. This may cause injury to the skin of the scalp and consequent pulling out of hair.

1)Consciously avoid it.
2)Till the upper back & neck can form an arch and the head can bear the body weight, you should take support of the elbows and forearms. You may also take support of the elbows and forearms while arching & straightening the upper back. With adequate practice, the back muscles will become strong & supple & the head will not rub against the floor because of being over-stressed.

Benefits of Matsyasana
1)This posture stimulates the glands located in the neck
region. Hence, when practiced along with Sarvangasana, its benefits are extended to a larger area and more systems and they are made more intense.
2)The muscles of the back of the neck are strengthened and those in the throat region are made more flexible.
3)Because of the reaction of passive contraction, the back muscles are relaxed.
4)The vertebral column, especially its cervical region, gets strengthened. This helps prevent neckache and cervical spondylosis.