
Life is all about Health and Wealth. and for Health you much follow this healthy tips

Healthy Tips

ANCIENT INDIAN HEALTH TIPSBut v consult dietitian/ life therapist-Quotes in SanskritAjeerne Bhojanam Vishamअजीर्णे भोजनं विषम्।If previously taken lunch is not digested, taking dinner will be equivalent to taking poison. Hunger is one signal that the previous food is digested.Ardharogahari Nidhraaअर्धरोगहारी निद्रा।Proper sleep cures half of the diseases.Mudhgadhaali Gadhavyaaliमूढ़गढ़ाल्ली गढ़व्याली।Of all the pulses, green gram is …

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On average, it takes about 12 weeks after starting any exercise regime to see changes

Walking at a fast pace calories as jogging for the same distance. To lose one pound of fat, you have to burn roughly 3,500 calories. Yours muscles are almost three times more efficient at burning calories than fat, even when the body is at rest. Consistent exercise teaches your body to burn fat rather than …

On average, it takes about 12 weeks after starting any exercise regime to see changes
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Daily exercise keeps elderly people healthy. Here’s the lowdown on how to stay Fit after 65

Daily exercise keeps elderly people healthy. Here’s the lowdown on how to stay Fit after 65Did you know that while someone maybe 65 years old, they may enjoy a biological age of 45, based on their health status and fitness level? Though aging is a biological process-It is important to listen to your body and …

Daily exercise keeps elderly people healthy. Here’s the lowdown on how to stay Fit after 65 Read More »

Benefits of Mango

Benefits of Mango1)Lots of Protein, carbohydrates, and sharkara are available in Mango.2)Regulates Blood Pressure3)Improves Digestion4)Help fight Heat Stroke5)Boost the Immune System6)Alkalizes the whole body7)Improves Eye health8)Clears the skin9)Lowers cholesterol10)Improves bone HealthTake care.

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Bhushirasana ‘A’

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Bhushirasana ‘A’1)Raised hands should not be bent at the elbows unless the elbows are stiff.2)Tendency of the upper body to lean forward should be avoided.3)Do not exert undue pressure on one palm against the other.4)Do not let the raised hands go away (either going behind or going forward) from …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana.Probable Mistakes1)Holding the breath in the final stage is a very common mistake.2)Head rubbing against the floor in the final stage. This may cause injury to the skin of the scalp and consequent pulling out of hair. Corrections1)Consciously avoid it.2)Till the upper back & neck can form an arch …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Supta Vajarasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Supta VajarasanaProbable Mistakes1)Raising knees in the final stage.2)Tendency to hold your breath. Corrections1)This indicates that knee joints and ankle joints have not yet become flexible enough to bear the stretch and pressure. Hence, you should keep some distance between the knees so that they rest on the ground comfortably.2)Consciously …

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