
Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Matsyasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of NaukasanaProbable Mistakes1)Holding the breath, frowning, and jerky movements.2)In the anxiety to raise the legs higher, the toes are stretched outward excessively. Corrections1)Consciously avoid these tendencies to hold breath.2)As in Shalabhasana if the toes are stretched outward excessively, you may get a catch in the calf muscles. Hence, while raising …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Shalabhasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of ShalabhasanaProbable Mistakes1)Tendency to fold the legs at the knees; holding of the breath; pressing of the hands on the ground, and over-stretching of the toes.2)While taking the legs higher and higher the head is raised up unknowingly. Corrections1)Consciously check these tendencies.2)This should be consciously avoided. Benefits of Shalabhasana1)The muscles …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Supta Vajarasana

Probable Mistakes Supta Vajarasana1)Raising knees in the final stage.2)Tendency to hold the breath Corrections of Supta Vajarasana1)This indicates that knee joints and ankle joints have not yet become flexible enough to bear the stretch and pressure. Hence, you should keep some distance between the knees so that they rest on the ground comfortably.2)Consciously avoid this …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Shwasana-Marg-Shuddhi

Probable Mistakes1)Leaning forward, moving shoulders, and shaking the entire body while exhaling.2)ugly contortion of the facial muscles.3)Contracting muscles of the nose or the throat. Corrections1)Do not lean forward or shake the body. While exhaling, only the chest and abdomen need to be contracted suddenly.2)During sudden exhalation, avoid facial movements and contortions as they do not …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Padmasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Padmasana1)The shoulders should not drop while keeping the hands straight in the final stage.2)The gap between the heels and the raising of the knee from the floor should be avoided. If these are due to stiffness of joints, long and regular practice of this asana will gradually correct these …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana/Shavasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana-Shavasana1)Sleeping in the final pose should be avoided. Do not lose hold of consciousness at any stage.2)Mind may get entangled in thoughts or emotions while maintaining the final pose. Do not get perturbed, slowly take the mind to Prandharana.3)Suddenly coming out of the asana should be avoided. Come out …

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Probable Mistakes, Correction, and Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka

Probable Mistakes, Correction, and Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka1)Do not keep the Kumbhaka with force. Release it when the need to breathe out is felt.2)When the chin lock is released, the air may gush out. Resist this tendency and breathe out slowly and comfortably by controlling the contraction of the chest. Benefits of Sahaja Kumbhaka1)Expands the …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Datta Mudra

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Datta Mudra1)Do not turn the head up or down while turning to the sides.2)While bending the head back do not turn it to either side.3)Keep the breathing normal. Benefits of Datta Mudra1)Makes the muscles of the neck firm and flexible.2)Improves the health of the neck.3)Stimulates the carotid bodies, vegas …

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