Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Ardha Vruschikasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Ardhar Vruschikasana.1)Keep the forearms and elbows properly to support the shoulders.2)Fold the legs in ease and comfort as per capacity. One can take a comfortable distance between the knees.3)As per as possible, do not take the support of the hands while raising the upper extremities. Benefits of Sulabha …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Kapotasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Kapotasana Mistakes and Corrections1)While raising the chest up avoid the jerking tendency.2)Keep the hands straight.3)Bend the legs as per the capacity.4)If required, take a comfortable distance in between the knees.5)Do not hold your breath at any stage. Benefits of Sulabha Kapotasana1)Mild lumbar pains are relieved.2)Makes the neck muscles …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Kokilasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Kokilasana1)Do not catch hold of the chin only. Support full jaw.2)Do not press the wind pipe. This will facilitate free breathing.Benefits of Kokilasana1)This is a special practice for the neck.2)Relives neck pains.3)The spinal column is stretched and made elastic.4)Digestion and excretion are improved. Take care

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Dhanurasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Dhanurasana1)The tendency to hold the breath, raise the eyebrows, pull the legs and fold the hands at the elbows should be avoided.2)Using force or jerky movements to attain the final stage should be avoided. Benefits of Sulabha Dhanurasana1)Gives a fine backward bend to the whole of the spine …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Naukasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections of Sulabha Naukasana1)Holding the breath should be avoided.2)Consciously avoid frowning expression.3)Movements should be smooth and not jerky.Benefits of Sulabha Naukasana1)Removes the tiredness of the neck.2)Helps to get relief from functional backache and neckache.3)The muscles of the buttocks and hips get proper tone.4)Respiration is improved.Take care.

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Sulabha Ardha Shalabhasana

Probable Mistakes, Correction, and Benefits of Sulabha Ardha Shalabhasana1)Tilting the pelvis while raising the leg should be avoided.2)Folding at the knee of the raised leg should not be done.3)Overstretching the toe of the raised leg may result in the possibility of getting a catch in the calf muscles. Avoid this tendency.Benefits of Sulabha Ardha Shalabhasana1)A …

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Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Hastadandasana

Probable Mistakes and their Correction and Benefits of Hastadandasana1)Tendency to hold your breath while performing the asana should be curbed.2)While raising the body, movements should not be done speedily or jerkily but smoothly.3)Raising the pupils or the eyebrows while raising the head should be avoided.Benefits of Hastadandasana1)The back and the neck get a fine backward …

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Probable Mistakes and their Correction and Benefits of Poorva Bhujangasana

Probable Mistakes and their Correction of Poorva Bhujangasana1)Tendency to hold your breath while performing the asana should be curbed.2)Body movements while raising the body should not be done speedily or jerkily not but smoothly.3)Raising the pupils or the eyebrows while raising the head should be avoided.Benefits Of Poorva Bhujangasana1)Makes the neck muscles strong.2)Gains flexibility at …

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Probable Mistakes and their Correction in Sulabha Hastapadasana1)Bending the legs at the knees should be avoided; keep them straight at the knees.2)Taking up the arms while releasing the asana; let the arms remain hanging during this stage.Benefits of Sulabha Hastapadasana1)Makes the back muscles elastic.2)Makes the spine flexible.3)Removes the congestion of the abdomen.4)Makes the hamstring muscles …