Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana/Shavasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Chaitanyasana-Shavasana
1)Sleeping in the final pose should be avoided. Do not lose hold of consciousness at any stage.
2)Mind may get entangled in thoughts or emotions while maintaining the final pose. Do not get perturbed, slowly take the mind to Prandharana.
3)Suddenly coming out of the asana should be avoided. Come out slowly step by step.
4)Mouth may get opened during the asana and breathing could be via the mouth. Consciously avoid this tendency.

Benefits of Chaitanyasana-Shavasana
1)Removes the tiredness of the body and mind.
2)Improves the health of the spinal column and the nervous system.
3)Stimulates the mechanism of “bring back to normalcy in the body.
4)Relieves the tension of the heart and brings the high B.P. down.
Take care.