Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Padmasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Padmasana
1)The shoulders should not drop while keeping the hands straight in the final stage.
2)The gap between the heels and the raising of the knee from the floor should be avoided. If these are due to stiffness of joints, long and regular practice of this asana will gradually correct these mistakes.
3)Forward or backward leaning of the torso should be avoided.

Benefits of Padmasana
1)Steadies the mind and reduces its tendency to wander hence it is a good pose for meditation.
2)Improves digestion and excretion.
3)Helps to form the habit of keeping the spinal column straight.
4)The nerves in the waist region and those of the spinal column below the waist (coccygeal and sacral nerves) are invigorated.
Take care