Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Shalabhasana

Probable Mistakes, Corrections, and Benefits of Shalabhasana
Probable Mistakes
1)Tendency to fold the legs at the knees; holding of the breath; pressing of the hands on the ground, and over-stretching of the toes.
2)While taking the legs higher and higher the head is raised up unknowingly.

1)Consciously check these tendencies.
2)This should be consciously avoided.

Benefits of Shalabhasana
1)The muscles of the waist and the lower abdomen are strengthened and the lower portion of the spinal column gets a backward bend. Due to this, troubles like sprain in the waist or stiffness of the waist do not occur.
2)Owing to a delicate waist, women normally suffer from back pain, especially during the menstrual period. Such troubles are alleviated by the regular practice of this asana.
3)Owing to the pressure exerted on the lower abdomen, the abdominal functions improve, which gives relief from indigestion, feeling of heaviness after meals, gas trouble, etc.
4)The tone of the bowels is improved, which helps cure constipation.
5)This Asana can be used as a curative and preventive measure for lumbago and sciatica.
Take care